KALIX Grow 30-10-10 + Chelated Micronutrients
Contact us for volume pricing: sales@kalixcpn.com +1.541.858.3333.
KALIX 30-10-10
(Fully Water Soluble/Veg)
- Fertilizer for fertigation of soil and soilless crops
- Foliar applications
Packaging: 25LB Poly Bag
*Do not combine with other fertilizers in concentrate solution or dry form.
Directions for Use:
Mixing and Handling:
Compatibility: 30-10-10 may be applied separately or in conjunction with most pesticides and fertilizers. Note, adding wetting agents often enhances nutrient availability. DO NOT use with basic metal sulfates, strongly alkaline materials (such as hydrated lime and lime sulfur), or spray oils. A compatibility test is recommended if the desired combination has not been previously used. Tank mixtures with copper-based products can be phytotoxic due to increased solubility of copper. Apply the spray solution to a small test area before general applications to determine any undesirable phytotoxic effects.
Mixing: Dissolve the recommended amount of this product into approximately one half the required water. Slowly add the remaining water while maintaining constant agitation. Water quality and temperature will determine maximum solubility. Warmer water temperatures increase solubility and shorten dissolving time. As this product goes into solution, the water temperature will drop. It is important when preparing concentrated solutions to allow for this drop in temperature. This insures that the fertilizer is completely dissolved. DO NOT exceed 2 lbs. 30-10-10 per gallon of finish spray.
Note: 2 lbs. (30-10-10) per 100 gallons = 1 oz./3 gal. or 1 Tbsp./1 gal.
Purpose: Use as a nutrient or supplement during all applicable phases of plant growth. See suggested dosage below.
Suggested Dosage:
Dilute: Greater than 100 gallons/acre. Concentrate: 10-100 gallons/acre. Aerial: 5-20 gallons/acre.
General Use (Nursery, Greenhouse Turf (Commercial) and Landscape Plantings): Use as a foliar spray, soil drench or transplant solution, apply 2-4 lbs. per 100 gallons of water as needed. For constant feeding, apply 4-12 oz. per 100 gallons of water.
Field and Vegetable Crops (such as alfalfa, beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cotton, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, sorghum, sugarbeets, tomatoes and wheat): Apply 3-10 lbs./acre when plants are 3 to 4 weeks old and repeat as needed.
Fertigation: Apply this product at rates necessary to provide the desired levels of nutrients. Finish application at least one-half hour before end of irrigation schedule.
Fruit and Nut Crops (such as almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, cherries, citrus, nectarines, peaches, pears, pecans, plums, prunes and walnuts): Apply 5-20 lbs./acre early in the growing season when leaves have emerged and repeat as needed. Do not use in late season sprays where fruit color and maturity is delayed by nitrogen applications. Do not use on Golden Delicious apples during slow drying conditions.
Vine and Berry Crops (such as bush-berries, caneberries, grapes, hops and strawberries): Apply 5-10 lbs./acre in early spring or when deficiency symptoms first appear and repeat as needed.
Liquid Stock Concentrate *Recommended (Stock Tank)
Reservoir (Feed Tank)